By now we all know the hilarious Q&A that happened in Columbia University with Ahmadinejad. You gotta love this guy for bring the laughs and bring down the tension with saying "In Iran we don't have homosexuality like in your country." Yes, there's laughter when he said it, and I laughed hard too.
Then there's the doubts about the Holocaust, then saying
We are friends of the Jews. There are many Jews living peacefully in Iran.” .
Of course he came off as ridiculous in the eyes of Americans, he's completely at odds with what Americans (and most people)believe in. Raging against facts and making up excuses along the way. He very negative coverages in here and basically everywhere else, and he is a nut. And the fact that he doubts the 9/11 being attacked by terrorists, Americans are going to go nuts.
And people knew that he's nuts and going to say stupid things, that's why they got him to Columbia University, right?