Saturday, October 21, 2006

North Korea and Their Nuclear Weapons and Everyone is Freaking Out

This, to me, isn't the biggest problem.

How many coutries have nuclear weapons? I'm sure the United States have it, Russia have it, other countries have it, so North Korea wants one. Do they have the right to have one, sure. Like the United States have the rights to crash Iraq and free the Iraqis (maybe not the best analogy)

The thing is, because Kim Joon II is perceived as a fucking nutcase by the media and otherwise, so people automatically assume that he's going to shoot it towards everyone in sight. Maybe he is a nutcase, by the way that he doesn't care what the other countries are yelling about and don't care about the consequences. But, is he going to use it? I don't know.

Like my history teacher said: " People don't trust Kim Joon II with the nuclear weapons, well, I don't trust Dick Cheney either. " puts it best.

But I wouldn't be that surprised if North Korea goes off.

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